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Okayasu Ginuta


[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[対象楽器]岡康小三郎 - 箏

発祥 (柘植 元一):

The origin of this kimuta-mono piece is unclear. 'Okayasu' is said to refer to the name of the alleged composer, Okayasu Kosaburo, a shamisen virtuoso of the early eighteenth century. 'Ginuta' comes from kinuta, a wooden block used in former times to press and soften newly woven cloth. An earlier version of the present piece is found in the repertoire of the Fujie School kokyu (Japanese fiddle). Towards the end of the nineteenth century, it was arranged for koto and shamisen ensemble by Yamamuro Yasuyoshi (1839-1907), who was head of the Fujie School and at the same time, expert in the performance of Yamada School sokyoku. Since then, it has gained popularity in the Yamada School sokyoku repertoire.

In this composition the sound of the kimuta is conveyed in the long tegoto (interlude). The soft tapping of this block on autumn nights was a favorite musical and poetic symbol.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

In the moonlight
The fulling block
Sounds out the evening chill.
Against the clouds
Wild geese trace
Bridges of the koto.

Fulling block in the night,
Through a cold autumn drizzle -
Fulling block in the night,
Through a cold autumn drizzle -
With my playing.
Tsuki no mae no
kinuta wa
yosamu wo tsuguru
kumoi no kari wa
kotoji ni utsushite
omoshiro ya


Yowa no kinuta no
shigure no ame to
yowa no kinuta no
shigure no ame to
kyoo no asobi wa

岡康砧 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
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尺八 : 二世 納富 寿童

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