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Takayama Reizan

高山 麗山

Takayama Reizan
3/25/1891 - ????


Takayama Reizan (Takayama Kyuichi) was born March 25, 1891 into the Manabe family of Kikuya-koji, Hagi-cho, Abu-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
In 1899, he was adopted into the Takayama family of Kubo-koji, Yamaguchi City, a wealthy family with good social connections, and graduated from the private Kojo Junior High School in March 1900.
His Takayama foster mother was a master of the koto and shamisen so, while he was at school, he discovered a natural inclination toward music and began studying the shakuhachi on his own, becoming a skilled player. After graduating from school, he renewed his determination to improve his shakuhachi skills, and on October 8, 1911, he became an apprentice under the Sōke (head of the school), Nakao Tozan, in Kamisaka, and studied under him as an uchideshi, or live-in student.
He was immediately granted his Shoden license, and completed the Chūden transmission in February of 1912.
He began his Okuden studies, and soon after returned to Yamaguchi, where he opened a training center and began teaching, while also continuing his studies, occasionally traveling to Kamisaka to receive instruction from his mentor.
In March, 1913, he received his Okuden certification, and gradually the number of his disciples increased, and he established a base in the nearby areas of Hofu and Tokuyama.
In 1916, he was awarded a silver cup of merit.
In April 1917, he successfully passed his Jun-Shihan (associate teacher) exam, doing so alongside his friends Yoshida Taizan and Tomita Keizan, and received the performance name Reizan.
In August of the following year, he moved to Yamaguchi City and devoted himself to the further development of the Tozan-ryū, becoming a famous teacher in the process.
In March 1920, he was appointed as a member of the Shihan examination committee, and in February 1921, he was again awarded a silver cup for distinguished work, and performed at the National Joint Concert in Osaka.
In October of the same year, he was promoted to Shihan, and in March 1922, he was selected as a third-term council member, participated in school administration, and gained the admiration of many, becoming one of the leading teachers in the region.
In February 1926 he received the silver Merit Cup for the third time, and on that day he was awarded the rank of Dai-Shihan (Grand Master) and was given the title of Chikurin-ken.
Since his Jun-Shihan examination, every time he received a promotion he performed alongside Yoshida and Tomita, a rare occurrence, and his Chikurin-ken ceremony was no exception.
His reputation spread throughout the region, and his disciples and followers spread across several prefectures, forming a major influence in the expansion of the Tozan-ryū.
He was honored to perform in front of the late Prince Higashifushimi at Viscount Mori's residence in Tokuyama, and, a year later, he was again honored to perform in front of Prince Kan'in at Duke Mori's residence in Hofu.
In addition to his art, his hobbies included playing the shamisen, exercising, and drinking.

別名 高山 九一 (Takayama Kyuichi)
